
Wire Diameter Ratio Of Rectangular Enameled Aluminum Wire


Rectangular Enameled Aluminum Wires and similar copper […]

Rectangular Enameled Aluminum Wires and similar copper wires will change in diameter, as follows: 1. The resistivity of copper is 0.017241, and that of aluminum is 0.028264 (both national standard data, the actual value is better), so if you follow In terms of resistance, aluminum wire diameter=copper wire diameter*1.28, that is to say, if 1.2 copper wire is used before, if 1.540mm enameled wire is used, the resistance of the two motors is the same; 2. But if the ratio is 1.28 For conversion, the iron core of the motor needs to be enlarged, and the volume of the motor needs to be increased, so few people will directly use the theoretical multiple of 1.28 to design aluminum wire motors; 3. Generally speaking, the aluminum wire diameter of aluminum wire motors on the market The ratio will be reduced. Generally, the value will be between 1.10~1.15, and then the iron core will be slightly modified to meet the requirements of motor performance. That is to say, if you use 1.200mm copper wire, choose 1.300~1.400mm The aluminum wire, coupled with the iron core modification, should be able to design a satisfactory aluminum wire motor; 4. Special reminder: The aluminum wire motor production should pay special attention to the welding process of the aluminum wire.

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