
What are the advantages of enameled aluminum wire over enameled copper wire?


Enamelled aluminum wire has high heat resistance, excel […]

Enamelled aluminum wire has high heat resistance, excellent mechanical properties, electrical properties, and chemical properties, and excellent frost resistance. It is suitable for refrigeration equipment and electrical equipment, dry-type transformers, oil-immersed transformers, and chemically corroded epoxy casting transformers under long-term working conditions of 200 °C. Enamelled aluminum wire can also be used for electrical equipment such as partitions and electromagnets. Enamelled aluminum wire is not only used for equipment, but also the main raw material commonly used by aluminum artists.

Compared with copper enameled wire, enameled aluminum wire is easier to wind, and the surface of enameled aluminum wire has a solid oxide film, which has a good insulation effect and long life. Due to the good insulation effect of the aluminum film layer, its heat-resistant temperature can be 20 degrees higher than that of copper wire. The biggest advantage of using aluminum is that it is 1/3 lighter than copper, which greatly reduces production costs. Second, it is easy to adhere to solids. Third, it can also reduce freight and operations during transportation.

Enamelled aluminum wire has a thin layer of lacquer that protects the core wire while adding luster to the exterior of the device. Unlike other breeds, the advantage of using this configuration is that the individual strands do not connect to each other. Each individual conductor can withstand its own weight limit without affecting the performance of the entire unit. However, care must be taken to avoid damaging the surface as the paint film is prone to abrasion and scratching.

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