
Application Of Copper Clad Aluminum Wire And Copper Wire In Motor


CCA wire is the abbreviation for copper clad aluminum w […]

CCA wire is the abbreviation for copper clad aluminum wire. The difference between a copper-clad aluminum wire motor and a copper wire motor is as follows:
1. The pure copper wire motor is more durable. Aluminum has a higher resistance than copper, and it generates higher heat during use, which can easily burn out the motor. In addition, aluminum and copper welding cannot naturally merge, and the connection points of the power cord are also easily burned out. As a result, the life of the aluminum wire motor water pump is much lower than the service life of the pure copper wire motor water pump.
2. The pure copper wire motor is more energy-efficient. The resistance of the circuit element is proportional to the amount of heat generated, and the greater the resistance, the greater the heat. Tiequan pure copper wire motor water pump, pure copper wire has lower resistance than aluminum wire, lower heat generation, smooth current, no waste of heat, power saving and energy saving.
3. The pure copper core motor is quieter. For every 3 decibels of noise increase, the noise energy doubles. The noise of aluminum wire motors is 7 decibels higher than copper wire motors, so the noise of aluminum wire motors is more than twice that of copper wire motors. The noise test of the pure copper wire motor water pump is only 58 decibels.
4. The aluminum wire is lighter in weight, relatively cheap, and has poor mechanical strength. The aluminum wire is extremely easy to oxidize at the end of the connection line. After the end of the connection line is oxidized, the temperature will rise and the contact will be poor, which may cause failure or power failure. There are many points of wire, and aluminum is not easy to weld, has low strength, low melting point, easy to oxidize, temperature rise, and large loss.

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